As news of Nasonville Dairy’s recent wins at the 35th biennial World Championship Cheese Contest began to reach our plant floor, we shared high-fives and congratulations all around
From making Swiss cheese in copper kettles as a teenager to owning a specialty cheese factory, my lifelong career in Wisconsin's dairy industry has taught unforgettable lessons
The philosophy at Ovaltop Holsteins has always been to breed a top herd of registered Holsteins while improving each generation by pursuing exceptional type, outstanding production, and enhanced genetics
The ninth annual Robert “Whitey” McKown Master Breeder Award will be presented to Wendon Holsteins of Innisfail, Alberta, Canada, at the 51st World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis
The Jacobs Family of Cap-Santé, Quebec, have been selected by the Klussendorf Association as the eighth recipient of the Robert “Whitey” McKown Master Breeder Award
Building on tradition and strong cow families, Scott and Laurie Langmaid, along with their three sons, continue to breed outstanding females at Vermont Pond View Farm. Scott and Laurie Langmaid and their...
Paul Ekstein of Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, has been selected by the Klussendorf Association as the fifth recipient of the Robert "Whitey" McKown Master Breeder Award. The honor was presented at the 47th...
Homebred Iowa Holstein herd ranks near top for type Vernice and Dan Moon, Monona, Iowa, have been named the third Robert "Whitey" McKown Master Breeder Award winner which will be presented at the 45th...
To support the November Hoard’s Dairyman webinar where the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens gave his annual crop quality review, let’s take a look at two unexpected outcomes of the...
We all know that dairy farming is a challenging business under the best of circumstances. Hoyt Hill Farmstead has experienced additional stress over the past two years as Scott and Amber Hoyt have dea
A year ago, the combined milk output in the key exporting regions — Argentina, Brazil, the European Union (EU), Oceania, and the United States — trailed the prior year
Animal activists are becoming bolder in their actions; even events like dairy shows could attract guests with ulterior motives. You've lined up the judge, secured the award sponsors and ordered the ribbons....
All the U.S. Department of Justice's work to ensure market competition for consumers might have went down the drain this past weekend as Golden Guernsey located in Waukesha, Wis., unexpectedly shut its...